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B4S Military Carepackages What is B4S & how can it help me?

Whether you are in the Royal Navy, Royal Air Force or the British Army & receive or would like to be sent care packages from friends, family or supporters, then please register, login and go through our shopping list (fully live with the Tesco database) select the items you need or would like and even give the frequency you might need something or the quantity or even specific dates you need something and then save them all to your profile. The next step is to share B4S with friends and relatives, by email or on Facebook, Twitter or any social media platform and let them login and see your list. Once they login, your friends and relations can see your list and choose which items they plan to send you, you then get a message and they get a pdf to download/ printout to go buy, box and send you all the goodies you require. Yes it is that simple. Our aim is to simplify the British Forces Post Office (BFPO) & make sending and receiving carepackages easy.


There are four active ingredients that are scientifically proven to repel mosquitos and three of these are synthetic, or chemical based: DEET, IR3535 and Icaridin. Looking at repellents containing these ingredients we found that prices varied considerably – even in ones containing the same percentage of active ingredients. For example, we found a Wilko repellent pump spray costing £3 for 100ml that had the same level of protection (50% DEET and 1% PMD) as a Boots repellent pump spray at £8.65 for 100ml – nearly three times the price. DEET is one of the most common options you'll find, and for good reason: it's highly effective at keeping mosquitos away, even in areas where they carry diseases like malaria. Look out for multi-buy deals; shops where you can accrue loyalty points and own brands. They're often cheaper for the same active ingredients. A simple spray is usually cheapest. Roll-ons or compact bottles are likely to be pricier. For example, a pump spray bottle of Boots Repel Maximum DEET & PMD is £8.65 for 100ml but a roll-on version of the same product is £5.50 for 50ml – that's £11 per 100ml. Make sure you check the label to see if the product is the right strength for your needs. Most products use their own systems, but should be clear on whether they are 'tropical strength' or not. Check with a pharmacist if you're unsure.

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