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B4S Military Carepackages What is B4S & how can it help me?

Whether you are in the Royal Navy, Royal Air Force or the British Army & receive or would like to be sent care packages from friends, family or supporters, then please register, login and go through our shopping list (fully live with the Tesco database) select the items you need or would like and even give the frequency you might need something or the quantity or even specific dates you need something and then save them all to your profile. The next step is to share B4S with friends and relatives, by email or on Facebook, Twitter or any social media platform and let them login and see your list. Once they login, your friends and relations can see your list and choose which items they plan to send you, you then get a message and they get a pdf to download/ printout to go buy, box and send you all the goodies you require. Yes it is that simple. Our aim is to simplify the British Forces Post Office (BFPO) & make sending and receiving carepackages easy.


Spot treatments, tried and tested for banishing blemishes and preventing breakouts. Treat unwanted acne with hardworking ingredients and gentle formulas, from serums to spot stickers. Adult acne is one of the most common skin issues, but whether breakouts happen every time you get your period or you experience spots sporadically, there’s one thing we can all agree on – we want to get rid of them, fast. Inflamed, red, sore and often painful, spots are a common skin bugbear, but luckily there are a host of hardworking ingredients at our disposal to treat and prevent them. While there’s no such thing as a “quick fix” when it comes to your skin, there are many ingredients and products you can adopt to soothe and clear up unwanted whiteheads, blackheads and cysts. Adhesive spot patches are also a popular choice as they prevent you squeezing or poking at inflamed areas (which only ever make things worse may we add) and some are even made with hydrocolloid to absorb pus and excess oil from whiteheads to help them heal faster.

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