Adopting a Soldier, Sailor or RAF Member of
the British Armed Forces

Find, Adopt & Support someone in the British Military by sending care packages, letters or emails, show you care!

You want to directly support a soldier, a sailor or an Airman/ woman by adopting them but don't know how? B4S have introuduced our 'adoption agency' completley free to use for all, simply search by location, name if you know someone or by their regiment, wing or ship, then send a 'friend request' and once you have been accepted, you can communicate directly and see their wishlist of needs and wants.

You want to support our military personnel but don’t have any friends or relatives that are in the armed forces, but would like to send a personalized care package to someone as a thank you for all the sacrifices that they give to keep us safe, then enter your details below.

We will always try to link soldiers and benefactors according to military personnel’s home location outside of the military (their home towns, where given). If you are in the British Army we would always try to connect you to an Army cadets from your home town or city and similarly with Navy to Sea Cadets and RAF to Air Cadets. If you have a specific religion we would obviously link you with the relevant religious order. Obviously if you have preferences to maybe once being in the Scouts etc we will register your preferences.

Adopt a Hero in the British Army, Navy or RAF?

Now you can adopt (support) someone in the British Military; simply sign-up and take a look around. You can Adopt someone to support, communicate with and send them care packages.

Not registered; you will only see the number of registered users.
Log in now & see all, military personnel needing your support.
Send a friend request & when accepted, you will see their full details (only accepted ‘friends’ can see your full profile)
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